About Us
We are a small group of people currently working as Teacher or Accountant with Degrees in Accounting, Finance as well as Post graduate degrees in those areas. We combine expertise and professionalism as we want to share our knowledge and experience with you so you can reach you highest goals!
The pricing of each lesson, coursework or assignment depends mainly on 3 factors:
- Level of Lesson / Study (i.e. School, Graduate or Postgraduate)
- Length of Coursework/Assignment (i.e. 1000, 4000 words etc)
- Weight of the Coursework/Assignment (i.e. 20 Credits) compared to your degree - year of study.
We want you to succeed as if it were us having our Final Exam and need the Highest Possible Grade. We guarantee your success!"
History of project
Due to extensive work we had on different assignments, we decided to publish our work through this website so that it will be a lot easier for you to access any information you require from us.
List of assignments we have done so far successfully using real case studies and Companies:
1. Accounting and financial statement analysis - "Performance of a Company"
2. Case Studies in Accounting and Finance
3. Financial Management - Based on Company's Financial Statements
4. Economics : Macroeconomics, Microeconomics - " Company's Pricing, Product and Resource Strategies"
5. Business Studies - "Retail Business Models and Setting up a new Company"
6. Now Dealing with Tax assignments (UK particularely).